
Every Family Counts!

This year, CHMS PTSA are asking for a minimum, tax deductible donation per family of a $100 to $250 to support all of our critical programs throughout the year. Also check with your employer if there's Corporate Matching.

Every penny goes straight to the kids and is in lieu of door-to-door fundraising (no more magazine drives). We need every family to contribute their fair share and support our CHMS Students! 

Just add your donation under your TOTEM membership tab, and give what you can.  Thank you!

The Importance of  Calavera Hills Middle School PTSA

Halloween Social

Halloween Social – held in October, this fundraiser is so great! It's a fun family fundraiser with games and prizes awaiting to be won.  All proceeds will be used toward enrichment programs for our students.  Please come and volunteer or partake in our event to get to know our growing family of friends. Click here to get to the Halloween Social fundraising page

Help the School by Shopping & Eating!

In addition to the fundraisers listed above, we also have many smaller, on-going fundraisers, such as:

Company Matching Programs

Remember to inquire within your company's HR dept. about company matching funds. Click here for the form. 

Your PTA Donation at Work

Your membership & donations to Calavera Hills Middle PTA are vital to the success of Calavera Hills Middle PTA's Programs: 

   Many thanks for supporting our kids Calavera Hills Middle School!